

Tamagotchi art/virtual pet/ect
All things tamagotchi related.

Home of javitchi his daily life with his friends!

フォロー数:4 フォロワー数:95

Fun in the snow but looks like some ones having a little to much of it!

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Wanted to thank, for drawing Javitchi! (ジャビっち) returned the favor. I also included (ベリーっち) along with Kagamitchi (かがみっち) and (あんてっち) Antetchi

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P.S also Javitchis birthday! today ありがとうございます

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I know I didn't make it but, if you ever wanted to I'd love see javitchi drawn in your art style one day! Love it!!!

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Meet Papajavitchi! he isn't around that often but he came for a visit!
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Who's that? could it be? Mamajavitchi! getting a new scarf from the tamamori shop from Moriritchi.

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Papajavitchi, Javitchi ,Fabutchi, Mamajavitchi, Moriritchi!

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Showing your support to a tama who sure could use the attention!

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