mauve - on mastoさんのプロフィール画像

mauve - on mastoさんのイラストまとめ

// he/him // gamedev etc
// currently: Addlemoth / Defender's Quest 2
// formerly: TFH


フォロー数:485 フォロワー数:2189

friend requested i draw a patchouli, so for them, enjoy hoshi

7 22

love how she's coming together now

3 19

giving ghost-friend a makeover in honor of spooky day

0 9

drawing hands is difficult

0 4

ghost looking good(?), for a ghost

1 7

reviewing character art and i'm actually pretty happy how this head came out

the rest of the portrait is, uh, i have to redraw it basically i think.

also: mood

0 9

tfw drawing hands is impossible

0 8

blank, vacant stare

same tbh

0 5