

✨she/her | 26 | Artist ✨
i mostly retweet cool stuff 🙌 probs should post more art

フォロー数:438 フォロワー数:34
# spider

Commissioned by MelpomineesEcho via dA! I love drawing long hair in the normal style tbh.

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gaia commission for Lithium Filth! I need to do more of the animu-type style, just because I like how I color them... Hooray for experimental styles!!

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Drew a little something for my buddy! It was his birthday a little while back... plus I can't resist redrawing stuff.

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zoom muthatrucka

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I always try to do the limited color palette thingers and then pick the WORST COLORS THAT BURN MINE EYES. At least they turned out cool *sobs*

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A spoder boik commissioned by lithiumrazor on dA!! Really fun to draw tbh

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I always forget to post the zoom...

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A toyhouse commission for Wonderland!! Helped them design one of their OCs, 👀it was super fun!! Love drawing them deets 👀

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here's what the actual size is for it keke

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