Maxim Peter Griffinさんのプロフィール画像

Maxim Peter Griffinさんのイラストまとめ

Drawing + writing - Field Notes out now in all the bookshops - works the night shift…

フォロー数:3184 フォロワー数:5665

Final days working on FIELD NOTES -


pillboxes - tusks - nettles -
Midsummer of the Chuckle Brothers
and the heat death of the universe

spirit levels / horizon to horizon

18 97

Now then -

Towers is nearly done - did the cover yesterday -

Field Notes is off for edits and that in a week
- no journey/no memoir - pillbox
ghost mammoth / Turner was right

+ back on night shift - drawings of the sun

6 53

From the archive - the battlefields of Hookland

26 151

A walk - Anne's black roof - scrubby patch of mammoths - the main fence of all - back of derelict care home - tramping over golf course - under bypass, west

6 41

Lincolnshire / February / Ambient 4

15 58

it's Bruegel time out there - 15th century light, Ridley Scott battle snow, arcing squalls - a tangle of gulls and jackdaws, heading east

22 136

Meanwhile - a recent article for - tramping along the Grayfleet with decoy herons and fogbows - - just writing the next one now - bit more ambient for various reasons - noodles, starlings, Master & Commander

12 53