

illustrator! / Tweets about art, doodles + silly things / 🇵🇭 / she

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hello !! I’m Mayo! I started really working on my dream fantasy art this year after years of self doubt and im v excited abt it 🥰

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This hunter trio as my fave spy trio 👀

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owl sketchies 🦉

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Come sit beneath the cherry blossoms! 🌸🌸

Commissioned art!

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Tiramisu time!

sketch vs final of this warm commission 🤍

2 13

happy pill

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“Hang out 🐶”

really love making full scenes so this commish was fun! :> (commissioned for an anniversary gift to 💕🏳️‍🌈)

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lunch brek sketch of ma boi Cesare cause hes bACK HUHU

bigtop burger s2 lets gooooo

3 10


I’m Mayo and I love illustrating worlds I want to escape to. Would love for the opportunity to do this for others! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

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