

French Indie visual novel dev, projects made with love. Thank you for stopping by ~

フォロー数:207 フォロワー数:1254

🇬🇧If you are feeling down, I hope that Zai' smile will help you go through your hard day !🌸
🇫🇷Si vous vous sentez triste, j'espère que le sourire de Zai vous aidera à vous remonter le moral !🌸
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🇬🇧 Well... better be on his good side, yes ? 👀💦
🇫🇷 Bon... essayons de ne pas l'énerver, d'accord ?👀💦
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🇬🇧Yes he might be a bit of a handful sometimes, but I swear he's a good boi🌸💀
🇫🇷C'est vrai qu'il est parfois compliqué à gérer, mais promis il est gentil🌸💀
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🇬🇧Workflow is slow these days due to health issues. Let's ask the royal herbalist for some remedies🌸
🇫🇷Le travail avance lentement pour cause de problèmes de santé. Mais l'herboriste royal saura m'aider🌸
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' demo is up on itchio ! Thanks so much to everyone in the team and beta-testers for being so patient with me ! ;-;💖🌸
You can now test our beautiful prologue here :
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Expect 's Demo soon (the french version should *hopefully* be up next month)👀
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🇬🇧Will Melia change once she's adult ? Just a bit, but will still remain true to herself ~
🇫🇷Melia changera-t-elle une fois adulte ? Juste un peu, mais restera fidèle à elle-même ~
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demo is progressing well, here have some screenshots 🌸💖~
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🇬🇧Say 'Hello' to our cute protagonist Melia (profile in english and french), a stubborn little daredevil🌸
🇫🇷Dites 'Bonjour' à notre mignonne protagoniste Melia (profile en anglais et français), fillette têtue et casse-cou🌸
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~ Happy Halloween ~
The Halloween project is up on itchio! 🎃
Here ! :
Thank you again to and Hiryu for their participations for the contest 💖
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