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Years ago, when the podcast had a webcomic element, I did a take on the New Mutants #87 cover.
#newmutants #marvelcomics #robliefeld #toddmcfarlane
The last airbender, 18/18, Aang.
#aang #zachtylereisen #alta #AvatarTheLastAirbender
He's a bad dude. 17/18, Firelord Ozai.
#LordOzai #MarkHamill #atla #AvatarTheLastAirbender #Ozai
After a Halloween break we're wrapping up Avatar this week starting with 16/18 Katara!
#katara #maewhitman #atla #avatarthelastairbender
Hide your chocolate. 5/5, Count Chocula!
#countchocula #monstercereals #dracula
2/5, Yummy Mummy. The friendly version because the first one I did scared me.
#yummymummy #monstercereal #themummy
Taking a small break from rolling out Avatar art for some seasonal fare the next week. So here we go, 1/5, Fruit Brute! (I have never had this cereal.)
#fruitbrute #monstercereals #werewolf
15/18, Prince Zuko.
#zuko #princezuko #DanteBasco #atla
Avatar had a lot of strong character arcs, including this guy. 14/18, Sokka.
#Sokka #jackdesena #atla #AvatarTheLastAirbender
One of my absolute favs. 13/18, Uncle Iroh.
#uncleiroh #iroh #atla #AvatarTheLastAirbender