

Having fun drawing what I’m playing. I do different styles & different fandoms

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I tried adding some Fodlan and Almyran touches. As a cultural halfie myself, I don’t think I’ll ever 100% fit in any country, but that’s OK. Claude gets it. There’s things only he can do because he’s mixed blood, and he’s a stronger because of it. Still my fav lord

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I always thought Annette’s design was missing something. Turns out it’s a dapper hat

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Sketching one of my fav characters, top favorite uncle character, top guy with whip, top guy who rocks purple, the list goes on

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I have no idea what to draw in the window. I sketched some mountains but was he’s really high up and the window’s really wide open. That’s not safe *things that keep me up at night*

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Portrait practice~ I had fun drawing her hair 💁🏼‍♀️

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I love jacketsss. I feel I’m getting close to finding a drawing style I wanna keep 🥳

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Low-res portrait practice. I cannot draw Dimitri’s hair. It’s literally a mop?!

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They’re so cute I had to color it ☺️

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99% through the game: *checks notes* EVERYONE LIKES EVERYONE ELSE NOOO 😱😱😱

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Before and after! That cutscene with Dimitri in the rain was one of best in the game ~ also not having to draw eye saved me like an hour lol

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