

Autistic ♂️ Artist🔞 loves model trains🚂, ttte, mlp, anime, etc.
STRAIGHT🚻, neutral♎, friendly😃, imaginative & creative.
Platonic affection is welcomed.

フォロー数:624 フォロワー数:631

well look1ng back as luck would have 1t 1 have drawn creston hugg1ng two favor1te pon1es. ^^

1t just felt r1ght to 1nclude them at the t1me mak1ng some wholesome arts.
the f1rst oc be1ng and later on

just thought 1'd repost both of them because wn?

7 33





how th1s happens tw1ce 1n a row now? T_T

4 21

wonder what all these post would look l1ke w1th all the cars toge- oh wa1t then the tra1n would just sp1n 1t's wheels 1n place o_o'

[the last m1nute spec1al features 's ocs]

3 19

turtle neck and PJ bottoms and a huge cup of coffee...

yea th1s screams lazy boy v1bes. <w>

4 13

felt l1ke draw1ng someth1ng cute so 1 drew 's pony sona gett1ng a pega-sphynx hug. ^^

1 hope you l1ke.

1 21

1nsp1red by Sentyr pony

here 1s my a1r borne Gatl1n sentry pony!

she has tw1n m1n1 guns bu1lt 1n her and 1s capable of fl1ght! loves her pet b1rd. ^^ 1s very playful and sweet.
but best you don't upset her... you'll need an ER 1f u do ❤

haven't dec1ded on her "code name" yet

3 9

3rd run w1th OCs
caleb tyink (couldn't l1nk properly SORRY!) and sentry pony

4 15

1 felt l1ke doodel1ng :3

om nom.

3 8

do you like the pega-sphinx (catto pone)? :^

10 31

should draw her more at somepo1nt -3-

4 8