hyun/con-crunch mode/🧡💙さんのプロフィール画像

hyun/con-crunch mode/🧡💙さんのイラストまとめ

20↑they/ multi-fandom Artist / art dump / ikemen BL brainrot /⚠️multi-ship,otps⚠️/ Kofi-Comm info on carrd! /please do not edit

フォロー数:14 フォロワー数:1639

'And I hope it stays that way'
[Kaveh in a ditch somewhere]

239 1031

Haven't put one of these together in a while... Hope I can fill all the spots this year!

0 3

He lives rent free in my mind. Wanted to try some hooman doodles.

6 43

I finally realised what Nahida's skill reminded me of...✋✋✋

125 673

Preview of some prints I'm working on

2 3

Can't stop drawing his ears and tail send help

644 3365