

maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s trauma ♡ nsfw sometimes ♡

フォロー数:288 フォロワー数:244

pray 🙏🏻 dirty house 🏚
educated 📚 hoe 🚂
a job 💰 gold digger 🏗
clean pussy 😌 stink pussy 🤢
loyal 💍 5 kids 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
faithful 👼🏼 cheater 🖇

10 41

15. Im seeing a lack of white haired characters in my thread so here’s the OG

1 4

lotura... is so good... im sobbing, i miss my hets

15 65

me: i really like Sheith :)

14 year old white anti from America who has KICK and BROGANES in their bio:

35 115

Happy birthday to Allura only, I love you precious you’re my everything 💖💖💖

52 166

I found these picture of Allura in my phone and started cryjng, she’s so soft, I miss her so much y’all, give her back to me Dreamworks

10 25

I feel like absolute shit, I miss them so much, I want them back 😔

16 72

Allura watching Shiro’s bullshit wedding from the Afterlife:

282 876

You both deserved the fucking world, I’m sorry this stupid show gave neither one of you justice

116 294