

illustrator / graphic designer.

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One of the first things I did when I started getting comfortable with illustrator. Happy Saturday! Also, it’s fight night!

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I forgot to blend the skulls in with the fabric things but whatever. Happy Friday also happy lunar new year for those who celebrate it.

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Worked on this because I wanted to paint but I didn’t have green paint. Half an hour after I finished this I realized I could’ve just mixed blue and yellow which I had plenty of. I feel like some special kind of stupid right now.

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Hey there. I did this. Yay!

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Early morning doodles.

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What it do baybeee!

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I vectored it but now I think he looks too happy.

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Lazy wolf drawing.

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They really went ahead and got the professor to do an ad for adobe rush. The professor hasn’t professed since early 2000s bih. Jk. The professor is dope. I’m just annoyed that I took a long nap after work and now I’m wide awake at 11:00. Here’s some old shit.

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