

priest | meatbun | mxtx | t97 | idk i can't even remember what ive read 💀 cr: jwqs, qjj, gldzz

フォロー数:158 フォロワー数:362

bruh i was supposed to read that like... a good 7 months ago but kept getting distracted anw the power of a bisexual whore character baited me again and i cannot say no so
zhenhun (guardian) by priest reading thread ~

4 53

"they were insane for this" and its just a pic of changgu existing

60 188

the three horsemen of apocalypse (thirst for men with bad eyesight edition)

3 28

every squad got the but make it tgcf

21 45


15 38

we got you on tape dianxia can u still deny that yall cling af?

6 37

i am no longer asking, i am demanding Read TGCF or suffer for a thousand years

21 43

chapter 241 of tgcf be like

65 258