

feeling emotions and time in waves

フォロー数:210 フォロワー数:263

Collection of Fate works! (to make up for the lack of new art)

6 13

Morpheus of Ovid; sink deeper

1 4

🎉🎉『Fate / EXTRA』10周年おめでとう!🎉🎉
I really enjoy both EX(+CCC) and Grand Order and I wanted to draw something incorporating both of those universes. It's quite messy but I am really pleased with the result!

7 14

astarte イシュタル

14 15

이거는 언제 그린거지??????

0 1

짤로 만들었당

0 0

아무렇게나 그린 네로! <--이건 뭐얏?

0 0


0 0

오늘의 연습

20 174