

weeb related things, a lot of rewatching, and some Pokemon anime I guess. I draw sometimes too, nothing good tho!

フォロー数:1436 フォロワー数:2006

I love how Moon blast kept the giant full moon in the background to this day

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Alright, my review of Diamond and Pearl and... Well you know. This series is amazing, what hasn't been said already? I think it's almost everything you could ever want in a Pokemon anime series. There is so much I want to talk about, and cover so I think it's fair that I-

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I always love Ash's face when he realizes that electivire has a free arm. Also just like he says it's just like the first battle except the moves are reverse, back then they clashed iron tail and brick break, and his free arm was thunder punch, same arm different move

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The only other interesting thing about the unova league is that 4 of Ash's pokemon learn new moves off screen. Why wasn't snivy one of them? Who knows, she's the only pokemon to never learn a new move ever out of Ash's entire pokemon team

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I'm going for 3 lol RT if u think all of these are cute

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