

Gamer | Freelance Artist | DM | Tech Peon | Writer

フォロー数:521 フォロワー数:177

Iriari for paladin-idry on tumblr! <3 FINALLY FINISHED HOLY MOLEY

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A of Iriari for Idry, shouldn't be too much longer now ;u;

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Kazala for , one of the nicest people! (Reposting this because I accidentally deleted it. I am bad at twitter.)

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Dahlia for , who was awesomely patient! <3 I LIIIVE.

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Sare'wen Indaris, Lady of the Damned, for airiannagrace on tumblr~! Congrats on the wedding! <3

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Kiri Rokuyari for foofmastaflex! Had a ton of fun with this one, and the scales and horns were a nice challenge. ovo

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I love Kiki's Delivery Service, and this happens to be the Nov Fan Art reward for my patreon. Voting starts tomorrow for next month's art!

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Vaheris "Harry" Larksong, my mage on Moon Guard. She is the smollest shit

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