

Humor is the best medicine. Seeking the funny bone, magic & beauty of this place. 🤣🦴 Mixed Media Artist, Animation/Film/TV, Writer/Poet, Outdoor Enthusiast 🍂

フォロー数:1174 フォロワー数:641

I have been getting alot done today. Also, I've been working on decluttering my workspace. I decided my studio/art table, etc is not in its maximum productive zone. So, I have been moving things around, and with it, organizing &/or throwing stuff out. Feng Shui, getting it right.

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Infinite Sun☀️Rise

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Good Day! Quantum Cat😺It's a beautiful chilly rainy day. The sound of rain is soothing. Chill puts zip in your step. This rainy Water planet IS Life. We need winter for Earth to renew. Flip thoughts.🔄Find the+positives. Lovely to see you again my friend!

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Quantum Cat & Deer totem😺🦌✨"From Deer we learn to touch the hearts and minds of wounded souls with gentleness and kindness. We learn to not try to force people into changing, but to love them just as they are. We learn to love ourselves enough to face our fears & let them go."

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I awoke early this morn and did a Palo Santo clearing ritual. I decided I'll do it every morning. I collected 100s of shed feathers that I've found along my path. I'm making them into a fan. You can use your hand to draw smoke toward you, or up, but feathers work so much better🕊️

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Good Day! Quantum Cat protector with a big Heart😺💓✨Things that scare you most, you probably should do them. Breath deep. Face the fear. Find out it was nothing. Don't let other people's fears squelch your adventuring spirit. Get out and live alittle / alot. Find your way home.

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Light like constellations of stars and reflections of clouds in a pond and beautiful magical sky blue Dragonflies, with mint green heads (like this one), all around. Yes, the water really is this color.

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"I know a painting so evanescent that it's seldom viewed at all except by some wandering Deer✨🦌It's a river who wields the brush. It's the same river, who before I can bring my friends to view his work, erases it forever from human view. After that it exists only in mind's eye"

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🐰🐇😺🐂Today has already been very busy hands, as I move thru my to do list, ck things off 1 by 1. I'm going to maintain this momentum throughout the day. Yes! Momentum feels good too, as I move into my power, like a whirlwind🌪️😃w/ a smile. When you do that, nothing can stop ya

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"Polar Bear totem is powerful grounding force of strength during adversity, pulling together courage to take action in necessary leadership roles without fear, especially when the responsibility is providing for others."🎁inner strength to thrive in hostile circumstances, respect

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