Melissa Gay (she/her) 🌻💙💛🏳️‍🌈さんのプロフィール画像

Melissa Gay (she/her) 🌻💙💛🏳️‍🌈さんのイラストまとめ

Melissa Gay has done a bunch of games and book covers and other cool stuff. Some of it has won awards. Come look at her art. Woo!!!

フォロー数:1593 フォロワー数:1039

Hi there! :) I'm in the first week of kickstarting my ink art book! Here's some work from it. Thanks for the artshare! All follows appreciated! 🖤

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Hi! :) I was thinking I didn't have any pink art and then I looked and I HAVE TONS, LOL! Thanks for the moot!

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Thanks for tagging me! 😊 Here are some paintings, hand-ground sumi ink on both paper and clayboard, and both the crow and the wolf have touches of acrylic paint, too.

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Thanks for the art share, here is my latest animal art, a very silly but hopefully also awe-filled COSMIC POTOO! 😄

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I know I'm ramping up to an ink book kickstarter, but here's an acrylic painting of a COSMIC POTOO!!! Loooooook intoooo his eyyyyyeeeees

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Thank you for the art share! Funny thing, I was just earlier today thinking about how if I had my way, I would only paint in black and white!

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Hi, I'm Melissa Gay, a fantasy and sci-fi artist who loves birds! I seek to portray them as part of the majesty of the natural world, its power and mystery, and also its fragility.

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Another spilled ink painting! 🙂 He is CHAOS-SQUIRREL, Ravager of Worlds and Bird Feeders!!!! Sumi and Pentel on paper, 9x12" (sold)

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