

Webcomic Artist…

フォロー数:306 フォロワー数:2715

Trying out some new flat coloring method to make comic pages faster! happy with the result.

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Meet the Aspect of Chaos, voted most likely to help an old person cross the street by the other Aspects.

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Character sheet for the Deputy Headmistress at Lone's school. Can you see the joy and excitement in her eyes because she gets to teach and discipline the young witches of tomorrow xD lol?

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New ep of Lone later today. This is probably the best panel I have ever drawn. xD

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Meet Aurora, the Aspect of Death. There are seven total but they've only been mention in the story once so far xD. I've been wanting to do a new piece for her for awhile now. some of you might notice that her armor got a bit of an update!

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Meet Zoie! top witch in Lone's class. Hopefully i can introduce her one day to the comic but sadly she's still about 2 chapters away T_T.

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Next week i will be driving down to LA to attend AX for the first time. Super excited to meet all of the artists there. Here's Lone nerding out xD

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Old concept of Cass and Izzi from Blood Pact, a comic I made for last year Webtoon Contest. Since the story is set in the same world as, Lone, I want to continue it one day so they can finally meet! the contest was so fun I hope there's another one soon.

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LOne and Sorri in casual wear for a day in town.

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Karoleena fanart for my friend . You can read his comic here always thought she would look nice in white xD so i went with a white dress. hope you like it Ego!

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