

Data, Analytics, QlikView, Qlik Sense & Power BI. Author of 'QlikView for Developers'. All my views are my employer's, who is also me, so there.

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Are you a frequent user? Want to get a free year of Premium for Consultants? Then enter our raffle by retweeting, liking or replying to this tweet. Winner announced July 1st 2020.

28 47

sUM oF lIFe eXPecTanCY bY rEgiON aS a pIe cHArt

0 5

Whether you want to visit the White House or the Greenhouse, we've got you covered this fall. And we'll even upgrade your skills ;) See

6 7

The dread captain Picard 😉


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Getting ready for attending the API track. Hoping to patch a few holes in my knowledge in the next 3 days.

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