

MDNI 20+
Yrys KQ - Aether
FFXIV/GBF/Doodle posting
Sometimes NSFW

フォロー数:267 フォロワー数:148

for you? we already knew.. but for someone else... well, they have some explaining to do...

3 152

the wind outside sounded like a banshee from hell so im gonna leave this here and go to bed 🏃💨

0 2

some c o l o r for beelzebub 🛐

ill hold onto the delusional crumb that he will be playable in granblue fantasy SOMEDAY, having his summon and yeeting him at everything is simply... not enough

24 72

the professor would like to speak with you
Σ(っ °Д °;)っ good luck, boys;;

215 1349

congrats on 100k!!! u deserve it and much, much more 🥳🥳🥳

16 178

Shu fighting for his life against those superchats

374 2391

I can't believe Santa actually got me the pair of Shu's I wanted!! (/▽\)

Merry Christmas! Happy holidays! Stay safe, warm and well fed, cuties!! And be sure to sacrifice all your worldly belongings to Sh--

6 28

a WIP. my brain is expanding, shu's design and how much i am drawing him is literally forcing me to get better and its so exciting

i appreciate the cutie, i hope my shitposts and drawings show that

2 14