Nem menino, nem velhoさんのプロフィール画像

Nem menino, nem velhoさんのイラストまとめ

Another secret third thing

フォロー数:732 フォロワー数:714

She's so unserious doing all these poses while holding the cup of tea like 😭 you ain't drinking nothing with that helmet on

39 195

No matter who won this year's x-men vote, what I'm really looking foward is to another year of Synch being the star of the team

34 259

Didn't really vibe with SoS's premise but at least she's serving beauty

12 93

I've seen some folks pissed off with Jean at the first scene, arguing that it was out of character for her to say this and it was Duggan pushing his liberal views. That's a bit of a stretch imo. It's not the first time she expresses such opinion

2 30



Still my favorite comic book moment from this year. Caught me completely off-guard

880 6398

Mothers getting beautiful covers from SoS at least

18 47

Just like Emma, the Celestial also knows Kate would never brag about sacrificing herself to save the whole planet from a giant bullet. That's why she passed without having to confront him

8 100