

Artist|お絵描きと趣味垢|エヴァンゲリオン/名探偵コナン/ロックマン/ YGO☆遊戯王/まる子と丸尾/90年台のアニメ好き

フォロー数:46 フォロワー数:440

Morrigan Aensland, my queen. Revamp of an old work.

374 1202

Here's a bonus ver. of Near with sunglasses. I couldn't decide whether to post this one or the previous version at the time. They do add to his personality. https://t.co/h8EHkuHWTy

9 43

L and Near's seiyuu (Yamaguchi Kappei 山口勝平さん and Hidaka Noriko 日髙のり子さん ) voiced in a lot of classic anime together! My mind was blown by their other roles & had to draw them!!

44 124

らくがき pig note

30 126

Autism to autism communication✨ L understands Near best.

68 215

longass frog tongue vs. tiny kitten blep

19 58



"I was alright, for a while." Some practice drawings of B. Second pic is him grieving over A.

49 141

The eerie way Near sits while wearing L’s mask at the warehouse always made me think of Majora’s Mask. Fitting since both are a final boss. maskless version included because his creepy smile is adorable

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