

Previously known as MerrySumiko.

🌱 British born Chinese Game Artist
⭐ IG50 2023 Winner
👀 3D Environment Artist Looking for Work
❌ #StopAsianHate

フォロー数:473 フォロワー数:615

Parading through your day, hope it's get better!

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I hear a storm outside.

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I haven't even watched Frozen 2 and Into the Unknown is already stuck in my head

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I'm usually not that scared of spiders but holy fuck, there's a really big and fast one in my room

1 14

Omg I was just at bang bang yesterday! It's great. Hope you have a good birthday

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I've done it again... I'm so tired that when I tried to eat a sweet, I threw the sweet away and put the wrapper in my mouth. This is the second time that I recall it happening.

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