

31 | Male | Asexual 🖤🤍🤍💜 | Trains | Heavy Metal | Cartoons | Occasional Fanart | Attempts at Photography | Hey Arnold Nerd | Lionel Trains Enthusiast…

フォロー数:711 フォロワー数:1290

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You're killing me dude. Lol

4 fav ships.

0 6

A Lionel mystery solved! A few years ago, I had asked some of my family members on my mom's side of the family if they knew whereabouts of these. No one did and I thought they'd be lost to time. However, my mom's younger brother just messaged me that he was cleaning out boxes 1/2

1 16

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My 4 favorite fictional characters

0 3

I would have just sent them this.

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