One more on the tablet tonight...
This poor vee was returned to their pokeball while they were messing, and it got tossed into their trainer's bag upside down... bet it feels nice though to have that mushy diap pressing against them with gravity =w=
I'm posting these because they're the last isabelle doodles I haven't posted! I'll post some new characters later tonight i promise <3 (and I haven't forgotten about the braixen..)
Just wanted to share a pic from my friend @DegenerateDeerB who got me something from RF-Switched and was colored by @Lilac_Litterbox ! I guess this is the official and more obvious debut of my sona Vanessa!
I did one more quickie thing in clip studio to get better. Not really that great, but I am more warming up to do a certain puppo that just got announced as a fighter for Smash -w-