

Art, Literature, Poetry

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In honour of Robert Burns, celebrated, national poet of Scotland and lyricist. Born on this day in 1759, Alloway, Ayrshire.

A Red, Red Rose
by Robert Burns

6 28

Sir John Lavery (1856-1941)

* The Red Hammock
* The green sofa
* A Windy Day
* A Rally

3 12

Robert Frost,
"The Road Not Taken"

4 15

Christina Rossetti,

"Come to me in the silence of the night ;
Come in the speaking silence of a dream ;"

5 20

🎨William Blake
"Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing"

7 36

🎨Winslow Homer
"The Bridle Path, White Mountains" (1868)
"Summer Night" (1890)

1 18

"No man knows till he has suffered from the night how sweet and how dear to his heart and eye the morning can be." {- "Dracula"}

- Bram Stoker, novelist, short story writer and author of Dracula. Born on this day, 8 November 1847, Clontarf, Dublin.

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"To a Friend who sent me some Roses"
~- John Keats

2 7

"Celui qui regarde du dehors à travers une fenêtre ouverte, ne voit jamais autant de choses que celui qui regarde une fenêtre fermée."....

~ Charles Baudelaire
"Les fenêtres"~ {Le Spleen de Paris}

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🎨José Ferraz de Almeida Júnior
Reading, 1892

3 11