

Miscellany from the artist @ejuliencoyne. They-type pokemon.

フォロー数:356 フォロワー数:195

Wait, I thought of one. I want to be ’s personal illustrator, portraitist, whatever. Does she need one, ?

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Oh nice I love metalgarurumon

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Then at the end of the year, I did a little more acrylic painting, then started my photo diary on Patreon, which made me practice doing quick (often without sketches) pen and ink drawings. I’ve done a lot this year, I was kind of surprised when I looked back at it!

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Over the summer, May-Aug, I did some watercolor illustration, practiced my poses and people-drawing with some Overwatch characters, did a BIG acrylic painting, and an acrylic painting commission! (Also some acrylic painting from life, not shown here.)

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I wanted to make one of those art year in review images but I was too lazy to put it together. I’ll do it in 3 tweets! Here’s Jan-Apr. I did a watercolor postcard commission, and took lessons to learn to draw with charcoal and paint with acrylics!

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My handful of patrons are inspiring me to keep on keeping on with my daily photo diary, my first ever long-term creative project. It's been so uplifting to be building something little by little every day. I couldn't do it without you!

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Painted Turnip-head from Howl's Moving Castle this evening! 🍂

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Little more painting for ya

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Put together a plein air painting kit for myself and gave it a spin at Moosehead Lake!

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