michael reddさんのプロフィール画像

michael reddさんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:64 フォロワー数:13

The entity created from the fusion of Lumine and Punk is called Psimon.

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“What is the meaning of this?!” Lord Kaos roared. He loomed over Celestia and Luna, eyes blazing. “Why have you allowed this foolishness to continue? I expected better from both of you. Stop squabbling and get back to work! I demand results, now!”

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Orangusnake but he has the ability to become The Dark Dragon

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Kenichi: Demon Lord Dante is an action-adventure manga written by Kenichi Sonoda and published by Kodansha. It follows the story of two “Demon Generals,” Dante and Rasunitā, as they battle against powerful demonic forces to save the world.

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Kenichi: Demon Lord Dante

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what are Nobilmantis and Misty's kids name?

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Punks and Lumine's kids are named Rintaro, Hosea, Illuminata, and Osiris.

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Disney's Orangusnake art

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Queen Chrysalis and the Darkness fusion "Queen Darkness"

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