

It’s time to go. 🦋 See link for where. /// Cofounder of @jamandteatime. Prev @PhoenixLabs, @wizards, @riotgames, @ArenaNet, Imagineering.

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Unsure why this expansion's core gameplay is "Dinosaur Uber Driver for Trolls" but I'm here for it

0 15

Congrats to all the amazing artists who worked on K/DA this year! Writing the comics for K/DA was probably one of my favorite things I've worked on at Riot. Also stoked to see a couple more things I wrote on that are yet to come!


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“Without downloading new pics, what’s it like dating you?”

0 39

The last issue of K/DA: Harmonies is out! Ahri’s issue wraps up this slice of the story. Who discovered Seraphine? How’d Ahri go from solo artist to starting a group? What’s Ahri’s fave type of cookie?*

Hope you’ve enjoyed this peek behind the band. 💙✨

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Also this was me whenever I took a dance class as a kid 😂

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We are all Bethany. 💙

22 140

Friend: I’m a support main
Me: ...um

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