

Michele Melo 🇧🇷 28 | trans & ace | Ilustradora felina e autora de Wild Ties 🐆 | Membro do @contosludicos |
ela/elu she/they ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #NoAI

フォロー数:1155 フォロワー数:2473

Oi, eu sou a Michele, 23 anos
Eu gosto de desenhar furries e inventar personagens de rpg, e, se tudo der certinho, em breve vou começar a postar um webcomic

Recomendo forte , , e

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I can't stress how much I love 's comic, How To Be a Werewolf.

and how much I love taking out-of-context screencaps of it.

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