

米啾MiChu//🍁🌟bot/ Genshin+HSR=All✨🌟/ CN⭕️ EN⭕️/ Repost with credit⭕️/ 🚫Edit/🚫Commercial use

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What is your choice?
Choose one! Honorary Knight!

437 1952

“It seems this child really like my braid.Maybe I have to give up to cut them off...(sigh)”

Let's congratulate Mr. Zhongli picked up a wife(?
I found Mr.Zhongli really likes adopting children, like Ganyu and Xiao etc. lol

90 460

‘You may find treasure among the stars even after you left Teyvat.’
‘Now, I’m the god of wealth, so I would think that my words have some weight here.’
‘Bless you, traveler, Luime.’
‘This is my contract to you.’
‘From Zhongli, and also morax.’

297 1073