Ale (microbiobac)さんのプロフィール画像

Ale (microbiobac)さんのイラストまとめ

🟣Elle/They🟡#nonbinary⚫️ 🧫 Comics and cartoons about #Science and #microbiology in ES/EN by Ale Garin-Fernandez, PhD 🦠

フォロー数:1244 フォロワー数:1816

ES 🔹Cuando tomar o no Antibioticos?
NUNCA AUTOMEDICARSE!, anda a tu médico/médica y toma el tratamiento apropiadamente
Así evitamos más bacterias multiresistentes a Estas bacterias no les afectan muchos antibioticos y son un problema global.

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EN🔹When do you need
Remember to NEVER TAKE SELF-MEDICATION and take the medical treatment properly. So, we do not create more multiresistant They aren’t affected by several antibiotics and are currently a big issue globaly
Bonus in the comment

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from the mathematician Karen Uhlenbeck.
We‘re humans, we‘re imperfect and that makes us unique 💜

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Try to don't overwork and respect breaks to do anything you enjoy, e.g. Read comics, play video games, going outside, be with your family... Or do nothing at all! 🤩
To have breaks is necessary to be productive too
💜 Enjoy your holidays 😁

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What are microbes?
Microorganisms are so tiny and so abundant. But do not worry, most of them are not pathogenic to the human🦠

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🔬📊🔭📡STEM must be inclusive and diverse 💜👩‍🔬👩🏻‍🔬👷🏻👩🏽‍🏭👩🏽‍🔬👩🏾‍💼👩🏿‍⚕️👨🏽‍🚀🌈
Happy 💜💙💚💛❤️
✊ Let's continue fighting to break the gender bias! ✊

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Sorry, I had been ill the last week and I couldn't prepare something for today... Although I got antibiotics, the little phage wanted to help, but they were able to infect other bacteria.

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What is a phage? ...What are they doing? Is it important? 🔬🖥 🧬🤔
There's the comic version introduction about "North Sea goes viral" (📑
📌Last picture is the same text as the comic strips

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