

Co-Founder @RadMagpie & @MoonCandyCo // BLM // Mutual Aid is Key // Opinions are my own…

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Going thru the postmortem responses & learning that the students really look up to me. Me & my team really did do a /fantastic/ job despite the hiccups. We taught & inspired the students in a myriad of ways throughout the program that I wasn't always aware of.

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The tragedy of has yet to receive the national attention it must to cause local systems to respond. The officers who killed her still walk free & there are no established systems for accountability. Please join me in signing this petition:

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Hi, I'm Megan, I'm a digital artist & I work at a nonproft game studio that serves underrespresented creators.

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I just treated myself to a makeup shopping spree using money I saved for this express purpose I’ve never been so financially prepared for a birthday treat in my whole life??? I even ordered it all early enough that I should be getting stuff on/around the actual date 🤯✨

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Someone in one of the FB groups I’m in posted a photo of themselves in their new outfit showing more skin than they’re used to & they looked so ! Bomb ! I wish the feed didn’t reset before I could show them my inspired drawing of them 🙃

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Waiting for Pokémon Shield to download and bouncing bc I haven't played Pokémon since Pearl

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More stylized portraiture from break! I'm really enjoying this chance to mess with color and light in ways I haven't tried before.

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