Miguel Macias 🌶さんのプロフィール画像

Miguel Macias 🌶さんのイラストまとめ

Hi I'm Miguel 🏳️‍🌈🇲🇽🇺🇸 Color Designer on The Proud Family. Previously at Titmouse, CN, Shadowmachine, & WB Animation
📩 [email protected]

フォロー数:779 フォロワー数:904

OMG! My coworker drew this of me since I finished the ride. She even included our team kit. Thank you so much !! 😭😭❤️❤️

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Hello friends! I am available for new full-time work. I am looking for Color Design or BG Paint. I would love to be on your team. People say I am nice and great to work with. 🤗 Email/DM for private portfolio.
🖍: https://t.co/oE8XxMVmzL
📩: maciasmiguel92.com

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The Babies are here! Some last color designs from these episodes. 😊

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Oscar got to explore new places with his Monster friends. Here's some of my favorite color designs from the Oscar and the Monsters arc.📖📝

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Susie and her Sister parter had such a beautiful backstory! We got a glimpse as to what happened to Susie. Here's some of my favorite color designs from those episodes. 🪄

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New episodes for Summer Camp Island released today! Here are some of my favorite color designs from Betsy and the Ghost arc. 👻🎾

Show Creator:

Art Direction: Jisoo Kim

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