

Just Your Friendly Neighborhood Content Creator /Viking Nerdo who Love RPG, anime, fitness and positivity!

フォロー数:888 フォロワー数:397

Totally worth the thousands of demon blood spilled can’t wait to spill more in with this lil bean on my back

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Sent form now the anxiety waiting game begins!

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Can’t wait to be yelling out attacks while streaming tonight

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Dude the fact that and are rereleasing on the PlayStation store again next week has me very excited to relive where my love for JRPGS was born

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Got a lot of games to play and test out tonight on stream

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Sup doods what games are you guys excited for this year? and what games are you guys tackling out of your backlog?

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Dead space remake is out today but this is Part 1 of games I’m excited that are out this year!

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Happy day peeps I haven’t gotten to pick it up yet but those who are enjoying it hope you guys love the story and characters

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Happy thanksgiving peeps I’m appreciative of all of you guys. I know I don’t say it enough but thank you. But now that this Buffalo chicken Mac and cheese is done I’m taking a nap lmao. go eat some good food

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was such a blast last night. It’s starts off a little slow at the beginning but then revs it up to 100 the next minute. I can’t wait to go back in for more. I love that the more perks you get the more combos get crazier pretty happy I pick this up

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