

moved to @blank__rey

フォロー数:340 フォロワー数:509

Hey guys, thank you so much for the support on my comic My Muse I’ve been posting my characters on here and Instagram recently and I’m really happy on how much you’ve liked them! I’ll continue to post updates on it so be sure to stay tuned for more!

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Introducing Austin!! He’s the last of the main cast! He’s suuper into logo design and dancing hence why he decided to join the theater club in the starting year! Although he’s quite flirty guy as he finds every girl beautiful so he’ll be falling for a new girl every other week :p

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Introducing Jenna!! She’s another main cast from my muse (the webtoon) she loves fashion to death! And she’s also partially Alex’s singing tutor!

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God I love my baby boy so much now he grew. Definitely love the more simple but messy look to him and he smiling more like he should uwu also his hair is brown instead of black now because I felt like he looked like J.D. from heathers ndjwisn

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Alex Redesign!! (I changed her name to Alex because I think it cute) I really wanted to make her more coherent and adapt her to the comic art style, I toned down the colors a lot and gave her more unique touches, Oliver’s design will be coming soon!

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Happy 2020 dudes!! I’m experimenting with a lot of art styles for my comic and I kinda like this one!

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“I just wish you wouldn’t forget..”

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Request number 3 done!!

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