

Hey there Two Tailed Peeps,Im Miles Prower Aka Tails as Known as sonic's best friend in,Welcome and check out of my channel Link

20 years old…

フォロー数:2090 フォロワー数:276

Can she along with this one?i wanna see how will go,btw his personality almost look like classic sonic

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I just hope so,i feel that i have a common thing with stolas now,but whatever,Can I Join The I.M.P Like offical?

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Crash Bandicoot(IAT) But In Sonic Riders,Happy 15th Anniversary For the Game,Its a Nantional Treasure


Sonic Riders 4 When?

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(Cute The Rope+Crash 4)
Om Nom + Crash=???

Becuz...Whynot i love it

Cut The Rope 3:It's About Time

Both Can Travel in Time And Wall Run
Its Wumpa Candy Baby

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