


i am addicted to Violence and chemicals. i breathe them and love them. they bring me intense joy

locked: @juul_ghoul69

they / them | 26 |

フォロー数:1111 フォロワー数:5955

2011: DARK SOULS!!!!!!!!!!

still is my fav souls game.

0 2

2012: 4-way tie between Dragon's Dogma, Max Payne 3, Dishonored, and Hotline Miami

too many good games came out in 2012. weird that thats 10 years ago now. shoutout to re6 btw - one of the best mediocre games of all time. trust me bro

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2017: Nier Automata

this game rules. also i came out this year too. no connection at all. dont even worry about it .

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my art aesthetic lately has been whatever this is. like pouches and shit

4 26

how would you describe yiri to someone who's never met her?

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3 22

wipe soon? too busy Gaeming

2 20

little update. my fav things to idly doodle are always Objects and Pose That Makes No Sense

11 55

loved this panel . for some reason

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