pk 👑さんのプロフィール画像

pk 👑さんのイラストまとめ

kind of furry artist | rarely fanart | dont repost or trace my shit | layout by @_smkwoud_ | @verizonwavy my beloved 💖

フォロー数:2161 フォロワー数:274

hades chaosbun in hades chaosbun drip

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kinda shittily made but i had an idea if ever released merch, just a fun thing i wanted to draw that kinda looks nice ig, could look better haha but its not official or anythin so im not too pressed abt it

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my skrunklies
i miss them everyday
like yea ok i do dnd sessions every week unless smthn comes up but like i still miss them

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hi if you're on my acc from that ranboo drawing i posted heres some of my actual art, that art was a fun little thing i did with a friend ;o;

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yea look at him so sweet and nice i love him

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extra notes
1: when he transforms, the patches of fur he grows don't always usually grow in the same place every time, they're usually scattered around randomly
2: those are not cat or dog ears
3: the other dream design i posted (below) is just him when not transformed

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my c!dream design

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