

(⌯꒪͒ ꌂ̇ ꒪͒) - gamer •
Cashapp $DollyAliyah

フォロー数:370 フォロワー数:246

I feel like the main problem with this is the fact people forget her and Nami are NOT blood related, so people assume she should look more like nami's casting. Im sure once they add makeup, hair, and we see the actual Netflix episode, people might calm down..

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Couldn't get the shoes before I ran out of pulls but tbh, this looks better anyway

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Danganronpa V3 killed my brain. It broke so many 4th walls...The ultimate real fiction?
More like "ultimate fourth wall break". Maaaaan now my head hurts

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... I won't ask why you decided to become... this.. but whatever. Good things must come to an end, I guess

0 60

Apparently they tried to cancel Roshi. Id understand if they went for Frieza's racist ass but not Roshi..

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Everybody always post Yoruichi but forget Queen Halibel exists https://t.co/2AkOe7Tln1

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