✨️ Ai ✨️さんのプロフィール画像

✨️ Ai ✨️さんのイラストまとめ

╭━❥The sleepy dragon that hoards anime figures and loves fgs~🕹🐉━ パパ: @KezieDra ━ 💗; @ScopeyDoo ━ #V_FGC #ENVtuber

フォロー数:230 フォロワー数:595

It's very nice to meet you Sarina! To be honest, I'm slowly trying to get back into taking BBCF more seriously. I really love the series and have been here since around the BBCT era!

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Howdy, my name is Aikyuu Yufuhen! A fox goddess who loves fighting games and in her spare time enjoys singing and drawing. ❤️ I like playing Blazblue Central Fiction the most and Tekken 7. I have played a lot of other Anime Fighters as well like UNI and Guilty Gear! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*

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Happy New Year, I hope the new year brings lots of joy and happiness to you~ and a 3 card spread would be amazing~💜

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⚙️ Happy New Year — 明けましておめでとうございます⚙️

Thank you to everyone who have been with me this year. This year has been especially tough on me so the support means so much. ❤️

Blazblue please be there in 2021. I STG.

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My new year resolution.

I want to get married to Relius and Nine end of story.

Can't decide on one so I am having both.

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Players: One game please.

Blazblue Dark Alternate War info drops, other Blazblue news, Blazblue character art such as Alpha etc. being shown & Mori for the past few years:

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Thank you Blazblue community for blessing my timeline/feed. I can't breath.

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Merry Christmas Eve (or Christmas if you live in the future~) to everyone! 💚 🎄 2020 is coming to a close real soon and I'm a bit spooked this very wild year is ending!~ (*´▽`*)

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Good morning to everyone! I hope today goes well for you and is filled with joy~ To people about to go to sleep I hope you have sweet dreams❣️🌸

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