

📹 미모

フォロー数:2 フォロワー数:1618

when Mina and Momo’s moms used to comment under each other IGs posts to congratulate the girls on their birthdays 🥺

176 474

191116 🥰 (cr. skyblue_NY)

59 214

💕 cr. skyblue_NY

195 505

🙂 → 🍑 → 😂

244 581

DX:신 세기의 전쟁

41 128

“Momo is someone I have to take care of!!”

180 496

‘The scarf that Mitang made for me ♡ I like it because it’s really warm. I love it ♡ ♡ ♡ Thank you Minari 🐧💜’

5 39