

i do like to call it dungeons and dilfs or even better, pen and papi | pfp by @khukhoy; header by @lolatimaanna

フォロー数:123 フォロワー数:138

name: dust-on-ink-stained-parchment
class: junk mage
calling: enlightenment
height: ~1,90m

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name: khessa d'sukaar
setting: neoncity 2099
playbook: trickster
height: ~1,72m

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name: doktor matthias keppler
class: blood cleric
race: variant human
height: ~1,95m

0 1

name: macarras
class: oath of conquest paladin
race: white dragonborn
height: ~1,90m

0 1

cn dead body

»my god, it sickens me to touch her,
and yet, my pulse, it quickens as i do«

i commissioned the amazing for a piece of my beloved dr. matthias keppler and his... beloved, a woman by the name of elizabeth. look, he even got out the white gloves for her.

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cn blood ||

pov: you hurt her ghoul

anastasia is quite possessive over her property -- always has been -- and that didn't change when she died. becoming a vampire only turned her more... dedicated to protecting what's hers.

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cn blood //

»to lose one's life and still keep on living is a perculiar thing indeed, quite an inhumane one too. however, you don't regret it, do you, anastasia?«

everyone say thank you, niels for making vtm!anastasia possible. look at her in her evening attire,, so gorgeous~

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The Doctor Has Arrived.

I commissioned the severely underrated for this piece of my beloved forensic scientist Dr. Matthias Keppler and it turned out glorious!

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I commissioned this amazing piece of my DnD OC Minas (in his younger days) with his daughter Marika from the lovely and super skilled !

It came out absolutely amazing and I just-- am so speechless. It's so, so gorgeous and also my homescreen for the next hundred years.

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