

Loves creating unique player experiences as much as frosting cupcakes. Makes games for kids with ADHD, dyslexia and dyscalculia. Polygons 💕 Petticoats

フォロー数:284 フォロワー数:211

Drawing cute girls is fun AND relaxing \(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥

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So I drew a...thing. I call her mochiface :D

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Leider nicht, aber nimm dies als Entschädigung, dass mir kein guter Dinowitz einfällt! :D

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A crown brain would look soooo good on you~! <3

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Super quick lightbake + color mock-ups for our forest. Love the creepy one, but it's not what we're looking for. Meh.

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