

jas DRAWING and occasionally TALKING feel free to hunt me for sport! 28, he/him

フォロー数:36 フォロワー数:645

have you seen my boy jiao now you have

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i like these so much i will put them here 👉👈 yukan the world

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various arts of my genshin oc, jiao.. hehe

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i'll post in so i can force everyone to look at ZOEY my evil brain worm who calls me an ugly dummy when i lose myself to my own self pity but in a comforting way that uplifts me.I love them

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i remembered the password to this account DREW SOME OF THE EXILES TODAY WEHEHEH i'll draw the rest one of these days

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fuck it ill do isla THEN ILL STOP SORRY

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a super chill attention-loving shapeshifter! his body is barely stitched together. also a goofball who loves clowns a lot and carries a clown nose on his person at all times. claims he can READ YOUR FUTURE (he cant)

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a young genius! he's been making AI and robots since he was a tiny kid, and is very good at it! they're all chaotic fun for some reason. is Extremely shy and often hides under a box/speaks through a toy car w a radio. he's getting better, though!

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let me try to threadproperly
is a skunk. works at a fancy restaurant so they can pay the bills to kick offf their true passion: running their own street food cart! really playful, lazy, and dumb. tries to act rich and high class when working but like.. isn't good at it

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a stupid little weasel brat.Evil. has a deep resentment for the entire world, so seeks control over everything to feel.. Something. likes cute clothes and small animals a lot! has no family or home but two goood friends. ZOEY: THEY ARENT MY FRIENDS

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