

Minimus sum, mus sum. I'm a Latin-speaking Roman mouse from Vindolanda.…

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tertio decimo die Decembris, Minimus arborem invenit. On the 13th of December, Minimus finds a tree

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duodecimo die Decembris, Minimus viscum invenit. On the 12th of December, Minimus finds mistletoe

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undecimo die Decembris, Minimus lucernam invenit. On the 11th of December, Minimus finds a lamp

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decimo die Decembris, Minimus pilleum invenit. On the 10th of December, Minimus finds a hat

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Weekly word from Minimus' Picture Dictionary -
fessus: tired
Download the Dictionary here:

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sexto die Decembris, Minimus tintinnabulum invenit. On the 6th of December, Minimus finds a bell

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quinto die Decembris, Minimus pupam invenit . On the 5th of December, Minimus finds a doll (it belongs to Rufus!)

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quarto die Decembris, Minimus nivem invenit. On the fourth of December, Minimus finds snow.

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Flavius and Lepidina have had a wardrobe them get properly dressed!

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tertio die Decembris, Minimus coronam invenit. On the third of December, Minimus finds a wreath.

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