

ਲੂ | NB | adult | digital artist | aspiring embryologist | i like weird stuff

フォロー数:640 フォロワー数:219

me @ myself for wanting to seclude self again for being rejected, aka, being a pussy

2 1

i drew this as a remake of that old painting but it doesnt even look like peony mfkgkmaskf

1 2

[[[[[fursona intensifies]]]]]]]

0 1

send me to furry jail

16 63

narancia squat

15 38

tiring day after work. or is it? doppio is so cute...

1 6

Hi. Is this animal control? I'd like to request someone to pick up this raccoon in my house? It's huge. Thanks.

1 4

my take on Dynabear

6 17

been a while since digital art

0 7