

pfp by @KURRIPAN!!! banner: @kurrimomo

フォロー数:289 フォロワー数:269

7. Satsuki! my FFXIV WoL but i like her so much that i pretty much use her for everything (i draw her...a lot...)

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6. i drew this on my birthday and was excited to finish it but uh......

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5. ...this one too /SWEATS

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4. something i drew many months ago...i wanted to clean it up but..uh.. ... maybe one day

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3. my OC Yuzuru

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2. something i doodled last night before bed...he has no name yet!

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i forgot the last time i streamed myself drawing but i like to tinker around with my overlay...

..and by overlay i mean just adding in dumb drawings i've done lately

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