

@fairykinds now

フォロー数:150 フォロワー数:97

part 5 baby driver au is still the best thing ive ever drawn in one music-fueled sitting. jojo mutuals please clap

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sorry for posting so much art i just want to show my icon full res i think its cute i hope..

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ok ill bite does anyone want to call with me.. i am very nervous to ask but yea

0 3

me drawing these: hope this doesnt awaken anything in me

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I JUST WOKE UP TIME TO POST, HAPPY BIRTHDAY FINN IM SO GLAD WE'RE FRIENDS I HOPE YOU HAVE A RLY GOOD DAY! i hope this present gives off tender/fond energy because you deserve it <:-D 🥳💞

6 14

oh! wonderful image beautiful. a beautiul picture of a dumpling kobold

0 1

oh to be a kiwi tenderly held in someones hands

0 4

:~D me and my girlfriend

0 6

*hands you a vaguely gay drawing* *hands you a vaguely gay drawing* *hands you a vaguely g

20 46

sorry for self promo but i am stil doing commissions! if you want an fully colored icon for 10$ or a colored waist commission for 15 please dm me, i feel silly but theres something i really want and theres not much left in stock so im trying to make money ^^; you can rt this, ty!

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